How to Set the Denon AVR AirPlay password?

black speaker close up photography

Photo by Marinko Krsmanovic on

I’ve got a Denon AVR-X1400H 7.2 Receiver and I tried to play music from my iPhone and Macbook but I could not make it work because it kept asking me to enter the AirPlay Password I have never set up.

Try with your router’s default password first. In my case, it did not work for some reason. Here’s the message in the comment from Ray.

It is quite easy today, the password of Airplay is the same as the password of the Router. Simply key in the Router password.

I tried to google and found one reference.

  1. From the Denon Receiver(on TV), go to SETUP > Network > Connection.
  2. Select Wireless(Wi-Fi).
  3. Choose Wi-Fi Setup.
  4. Select Share Wi-Fi setting from an iOS device.
    NOTE: iOS 7 or later is required. It explains what to do next on TV as well.
  5. From your iPhone, go to Settings > Wi-Fi.
  6. Select your Denon Receiver under SET UP NEW AIRPLAY SPEAKER.
    1. It takes about 5-10 seconds to show up the receiver on the list. Just be patient.
    2. Probably, you will see Denon AVR-X1400H under the list. In my case, I could see Living Room because I changed the name of the receiver.
  7. Select your Wi-Fi network.
  8. Set your speaker password. << This step is important and it is the AirPlay password you are looking for.
  9. Once you hit Next button, your receiver will automatically setup the Wi-Fi connection from your iPhone.
  10. Hit Done on your iPhone as well as on your receiver.
  11. Enjoy the AirPlay mode.

virtualenvwrapper configuration

There are files for hooks and configuration is very straight forward.
I’d like to create a new folder named src for storing all the code base. Then, change directory to the new folder. Let’s see what I can do.

There is postrmvirtualenv file under $WORKON_HOME. In my case, it is ~/venv.
Let’s open up the file in vi editor and add some hooks.

$ vi ~/venv/postrmvirtualenv

# Add following to the file and save.
mkdir $path
cd $path

I’ve created a variable for the path of the source folder I mentioned. Then, create it and change directory to it.

Now, mkvirtualenv command lets you to create a new virtual env box and create a new folder called src under the project just created and change directory to the folder.

Let’s make some changes for workon command same as above.

I’d like to change directory to the src folder under the project once the project has been activated. Also, I’d like to change directory to the virtualenv root folder ~/venv once the project has been deactivated.

Open up postactivate and add below for activate behavior.


Open up postactivate and add below for activate behavior.


That’s it and enjoy.

git setup with multiple keys(accounts)

I had 2 accounts in and I couldn’t use one rsa key to access both accounts. It seems like gitlab’s restriction.

So, I needed to create another key for the 2nd account. Let’s try.

  1. Generate a new key
    $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
    Generating public/private rsa key pair.
    Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/myid/.ssh/id_rsa): /Users/myid/.ssh/new_rsa
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    Enter same passphrase again:
    Your identification has been saved in /Users/myid/.ssh/new_rsa.
    Your public key has been saved in /Users/myid/.ssh/
  2. Update ssh config file
    $ vi ~/.ssh/config
    Host gitlab-com-new
      User git
      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/new_rsa
  3. Add the new key created to ssh agent
    $ ssh-add ~/.ssh/new_rsa
  4. Add or update the git repository path
    $ git remote add origin git@gitlab-com-new:new_id/new_repository.git
    # or if the repository already exists
    $ git remote set-url origin git@gitlab-com-new:new_id/new_repository.git
  5. Enjoy 😛